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In the News: Global News

Liberals push to end Bill C-10 study amid social media free speech concerns

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In the News: St. Catherine's Standard

Is this porn Canadian enough? That could be a question the CRTC starts asking

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In the News: The Lawyer's Daily

‘Unprecedented’ Bill C-10 raises freedom of expression, net neutrality concerns: legal scholars

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In the News: Global News

Justice minister defends finding that Bill C-10 doesn’t pose free speech concern

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In the News: The Lawyer's Daily

B.C. seeking public input in developing provincial response to ‘revenge porn’

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In the News: Global News

Feds asking Canadians to take ‘leap of faith’ that Bill C-10 won’t hurt free speech: experts

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In the News: National Post

'Everyone seems confused': Bill C-10 heads for second review of whether it impacts Charter rights

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In the News: Toronto Star

[Podcast] Bill C-10 is not coming for your cat videos. Or is it?

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In the News: Global News

Feds plan change to Bill C-10 to make it ‘crystal clear’ social media uploads won’t be regulated

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In the News: CBC

Your free speech is at risk with Ottawa's push to regulate online content, experts warn

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