April 1, 2017
Tyler Murphy | Here to make a difference
“Customer service is hard, but I believe we make a difference every day.” This is something Tyler Murphy would like people to know about the work he and his team do at the Cumming School of Medicine (CSM).
As manager of the CSM’s AV and multimedia team, which includes six full-time staff and seven part-time staff, and provides equipment and technical support to classrooms and theatres within the Foothills campus, Tyler has been making a difference for more than three decades.
And while Tyler makes a difference at the CSM, he received a U Make A Difference award in 2007, he has people who make a difference in his life. “I really admire my mom. She embodies tenacity, spirit and hard work.” He also speaks proudly of his children, and their care for the world around them. “They are my greatest achievement,” he says.
Of those he admires at the medical school, there are many but none more than the late Dr. John Baumber. A physician, physiologist, educator and humanitarian, Dr. Baumber was one of the founding members of the school and had a great impact on Tyler. “I reported to Dr. Baumber for many years,” Tyler says. “He pushed me and challenged me because he believed in me. He encouraged me to take on more of a leadership role”.
Being pushed and challenged is something Tyler admits he wishes he had done for himself when he was younger. Having been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) as an adult, he struggled with academic confidence. “I went to university as an adult because I just didn’t have the confidence when I was younger. I wish I would have pushed myself harder academically.”
Tyler’s hope for the medical school over its next 50 years is to also keep pushing – pushing the boundaries of education and research. “What we do, all of us, all on the same team, has impact on our world. I believe very strongly in the concept of team because everyone plays a role. We are all pieces of the same puzzle.”
While being part of the future of the CSM, Tyler still has fun with his colleagues in AV and multimedia. And once he is home at the end of the day, he gets to enjoy supper with his wife, a teacher, while catching up on the wins and losses from the day. It’s those small moments that make a difference too.
Tidbits from Tyler:
If you could make a living doing anything of your choice, what would it be? A writer. A story teller.
What does a typical Saturday morning look like for you? A cup of coffee in my favourite chair reading the paper, print version please. While looking out into my back yard which is full of trees and wildlife.
Do you have a personal motto? My wife calls me the Nike Boy. As in, just do it. I seldom procrastinate, when something needs to get done, I just do it.
What does it mean to you that we are celebrating our 50th anniversary? We have experienced so much change and growth in 50 years. My 32 years have been both interesting and rewarding.