Explore workshops with the My GradSkills Matrix
Learn about My GradSkills-endorsed workshops and when you should consider taking them.
How does the Matrix work?
Workshop classifications
The Matrix is a tool that sorts My GradSkills-endorsed workshops into four key areas of transferable skills. Use the Matrix to find and plan workshops that will help you develop skills in these key areas. Understanding your skills in these key areas will be helpful when you start your career search.
Workshop timing
The My GradSkills Matrix also categorizes workshops as early, mid and late to help you decide when in your program a workshop may be most useful for you. See below for lists of early, mid and late workshops.
Key transferable skill areas
My GradSkills Workshop Matrix
Worskhops are offered by several groups across campus. Workshops are generally offered at least once per academic year, or are available by request or online at your own convenience. Contact My GradSkills to learn more about workshops and scheduling.
Workshops to explore early in your program
Environmental Health and Safety:
- Biosafety (Program / Biohazard Handling / Bloodborne Pathogens)
Faculty of Graduate Studies:
- Scholarship workshops
- Let's talk: supervisors
Student Success Centre:
- Writing at the Graduate Level Series
- Staying Motivated and Managing Your Time
Taylor Family Digital Library:
- Managing your references with EndNote OR Mendeley
- Copyright and Open Access
- Effective Research for your Literature Review
- Research Data Management
Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning:
- Teaching with Technology
- Writing Learning Outcomes
- Where does my course fit? Understanding Curriculum
- Grading Strategies to Assess Student Learning
Workshops to explore midway through your program
Taylor Family Digital Library:
- Copyright: What You Need to Know For Your Thesis and Teaching
- Keeping Current with Your Research: Using Alerting Services
- Understanding Systematic Reviews
- Searching MEDLINE Systematically
Tip: Make an appointment with a career advisor
Workshops to explore late in your program
Wellness Centre:
- Preparing to Defend Your Thesis: Managing Your Anxiety
Tip: Attend a writing bootcamp at the Student Success Centre
Workshops to explore early in your program
Mitacs Canada:
- Skills of Communication
My GradSkills:
- Effective Presentation Skills: Vocal Presence
Taylor Family Digital Library:
- Teaching Assistant Orientation
- Introduction to Effective Communication for International Teaching Assistants
- Using Learning Spaces for Collaboration
- Formative Feedback for Teaching Development
- Creating Your Teaching Dossier
- Facilitating Active Learning
Workshops to explore midway through your program
My GradSkills:
- All you need to know about the Three Minute Thesis (3MT)
- 3MT: Research Communication Skills
- 3MT: Framing Your Presentation - How to Create a Memorable 3MT Slide
Taylor Family Digital Library:
- Visualization - Using Tableau
- Visualization - Using Visual Variables
- Visualization - Tableau Advanced
Wellness Centre:
- Managing Presentation Anxiety
Workshops to explore late in your program
Career Services:
- Resumes and Cover Letters for Non-Academic Careers
- Your Social Media Brand: LinkedIn, Twitter and Beyond
- The Academic Track: Job Search and Professional Documents
Workshops to explore early in your program
Career Services:
- Your “Top 5” Talent Themes: A Roadmap to Personal Success
- Taking the Wheel: Making the Most of Graduate Career Development
- Strength Stories: How to Explore, Maximize and Communicate Your Top 5 Strengths
- Building Career Resilience in a Constantly Evolving World
- Researching and Refining Your Career Options
Mitacs Canada:
- Time Management
- Foundations of Project Management 1
Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning:
- What Makes a Great TA?
Workshops to explore midway through your program
Career Services:
- Unwritten Rules: Understanding Business Culture and Career Transitions
- The World Outside of Graduate School: Job Search Strategies for Non-Academic Careers
Mitacs Canada:
- Networking Skills
- Foundations of Project Management 2
Workshops to explore late in your program
Career Services:
- Interview Strategies for Academic Careers
- Interview 101: Strategies and Best Practices for Hiring Situations
- Professional Networking Skills for Graduate Students
Workshops to explore early in you program
Taylor Family Digital Library:
- Understanding My Intellectual Property Rights
Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning:
- Introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) for Graduate Students
Tip: Consider doing an entrepreneurial thesis
Workshops to explore midway through your program
Mitacs Canada:
- Discovering the Entrepreneur Within
Taylor Family Digital Library:
- Owning Your Research Output
Tip: Explore entrepreneurial training and supports for graduate students
Workshops to explore late in your program
Taylor Institute:
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Foundations Program for Graduate Students - TI
Tip: Explore entrepreneurship in ENTI 781/785 and Summer Inc.

My GradSkills partners
Learn more about organizations across the university offering workshops for grad students.