Photo of a student in a lab being observed by a supervisor

Navigating graduate supervision and support resources

Find the right graduate supervisor, understand expectations and navigate student-supervisor roles

Expectations of a Graduate Student

Learn about your role as a student

Expectations of a Graduate Supervisor

What supervisors should (and shouldn't) do

Graduate Supervision at UCalgary

Strong graduate supervision is key to student success at the University of Calgary. Supervisors provide mentorship, guidance and academic support throughout a student's research journey. UCalgary follows clear policies and best practices to foster positive and professional supervisor-student relationships, ensuring students receive the support they need to achieve their academic and career goals.

Effective supervision involves clear communication, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to academic progress. As students develop their research and professional skills, their relationship with their supervisor may evolve to reflect growing independence. This page offers resources on supervision expectations, roles and responsibilities to help students and supervisors navigate their partnership effectively and address any challenges that may arise.

Hear from a former graduate student about the importance of your graduate supervisor, along with some key practices for a successful relationship with your supervisor.

Working with a supervisor

Best practices guide

If you are working with a supervisor, follow the best practices outlined on this website and complete the student-supervisor checklist two months after starting your program.

Access the guide

Conflict of interest

We endeavor to avoid bias and the perception of bias in student-faculty and student-student relations, and in supervisory and examining committees.

Discover resources

Changing supervision

Things to consider if you are contemplating a change in supervision.

Explore your options

Checklists for you and your supervisor

Complete these mandatory checklists within the first two months of working with your supervisor and submit them to your graduate program administrator.

Refer back to them regularly to stay on track and to maintain a healthy and productive student-supervisor relationship.

Expectations Checklist

Set expectations and define responsibilities for yourself as a graduate student and for your supervisor to get through your degree. Submit the signed checklist to Graduate Program Staff.

Student-Supervisor checklist

Intellectual Property

Understand how the Intellectual Property policy applies to your work. Submit the signed checklist to Graduate Program Staff.

Review the Intellectual Property (IP) FAQ for an interpretation and application of the university's IP policy.

Intellectual Property checklist

Supports for graduate students

Our academic and international specialist team welcomes all graduate students to discuss any matter impacting academic success in a safe and confidential space. The team can provide information to students regarding their registration and refer students to other helpful resources and supports across campus.

Expectations of a Graduate Student


Be aware of rules, regulations and policies regarding your degree program, academic integrity, research integrity and scholarly conduct

Maintain a professional relationship with your supervisor. Make an effort to resolve any conflicts quickly and seek outside help when needed

Effectively communicate academic deadlines and circumstances that might affect academic progress

Submit research work and scholarship applications well in advance of deadlines for review and feedback

Meet with your supervisor and supervisory committee on a regular basis

Be proactive and devote the time, effort and energy necessary for progressing in your academic program

Seek out professional development opportunities and apply for scholarships/awards

Take primary responsibility for program milestones and degree completion


Write major works or conduct research without feedback and guidance

Know all of the answers

Expectations of a Graduate Supervisor


Be knowledgeable of academic standards and norms within the field of study

Discuss rules of academic integrity, research integrity and scholarly conduct

Work with you to establish realistic timelines and monitor program milestones

Discuss circumstances that might affect academic progress

Provide constructive feedback on written work within a reasonable timeframe, outlining both strengths and areas that need improvement

Assemble supervisory and examination committees and schedule examinations

Maintain a professional relationship with all students and work to resolve issues quickly

Be accessible for scheduled meetings and provide feedback, guidance and advice

Encourage you to participate in professional development activities and plan their career

Support scholarship applications and provide opportunities for skill development


Know all of the answers

Write for you

Respond to last-minute requests for feedback on written works

Read poorly edited/unfinished works