Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

The CIHR provides research funding for graduate students for research in the health sciences and is open to current and prospective students.

CGRS D Update

The scholarship and fellowship programs administered by the three federal research funding agencies – the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) – have been streamlined into a new harmonized talent program called the Canada Research Training Awards Suite (CRTAS) that will open for applications in summer 2025.

The changes of note to the Doctoral funding program at this time: 

  • Doctoral funding program has been renamed the Canada Graduate Research Scholarship – Doctoral (CGRS D)
  • Increase of 1,200 additional awards at the doctoral level nation-wide
  • Program is now open to International Students
    • International students must be enrolled in a doctoral program of study at an eligible Canadian institution at the time of application. Up to 15% of all doctoral awards will be awarded to international students.
  • The award may be held at both Canadian and international post-secondary institutions. Approximately 20% of all doctoral awards would be eligible to be held abroad. International students may only hold the award in Canada.

The Graduate Award Office will continue to share updates as more information becomes available.

For information, please refer to the Press Release from the Government of Canada. 

For information regarding Postdoctoral Fellowship funding, please contact

The Canada Graduate Research Scholarships - Doctoral (CGRS D) program is a federal program of scholarships awarded by the CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC granting agencies that supports high-calibre doctoral students in all academic disciplines.

At a glance


$40,000 CGRS D per year for three years





October 1 before 11:59:59pm (MST) for applications submitted through the University of Calgary.

**including references**

If the deadline falls on a weekend, applications must be submitted by the following business day before 11:59:59pm (MST)

Degree type

Students enrolled in or applying to a doctoral program

International Students must be enrolled in a doctoral program of study at an eligible Canadian institution at the time of application.

Learn more

Preparing your application

You are encouraged to apply for awards when you have submitted your admissions application and received your University of Calgary student number (UCID). You are not required to meet the eligibility requirements in the terms of reference of an award when you apply, but if successful, you must meet the eligibility requirements at the time the award is paid.

Please ensure that you have completed the following two steps before submitting your application:

Read the terms of reference

Awards are based on merit. It is important to read and understand the award terms of reference listed on this page and/or on the agency, or donor website.

Know your eligibility

Read our guide to discover the polices and regulations that determines a student's award eligibility at the University of Calgary.

Award Guide: Eligibility

Terms of reference


See the CGRS D website for details on doctoral eligibility

To be eligible at the University of Calgary, you must have achieved a first-class average of 3.5 or higher in the last two years of study.

If you are a licensed health/allied health professional pursuing a PhD and are eligible to apply for a tri-agency Fellowship (ie CIHR Fellowship), you cannot also be considered for a tri-agency doctoral scholarship through the University of Calgary competition. As per CIHR you must chose which of these competitions to apply for.

CGRS D application eligibility requirements


Tri-agency Recipient Eligibility

The Tri-agency research training award holder’s guide governs eligibility for Master's and Doctoral research training programs offered through CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC.

If you are a recipient of tri-agency funding, you must review this guide prior to making any changes to your registration, employment etc. Contact to inform the Faculty of Graduate Studies of any potential changes that may impact your funding.


University of Calgary internal deadline to submit through the appropriate tri-agency portal is October 1.

When a deadline falls on a weekend, applications will be accepted until midnight local time on the first business day following the deadline date.

As the application deadline approaches, delays may occur due to a high volume of users on the application portal, which may prevent the timely submission of your application. Requests to submit late applications will not be accepted. 

If you are not currently a registered student, please refer to the CGRS D website to submit directly to the funding agency.


Applications are submitted electronically through ResearchNet. Applicants to the CIHR CGRS D competition complete the Doctoral Research Award - Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships Doctoral Award Form.

Based on your registration status at the time of application, your application will be processed by either the Canadian institution in which you are registered or by CIHR. Refer to the CGRS D website for additional information.

Applications received by the University of Calgary are reviewed by the Graduate Scholarship Committee and are forwarded to CIHR based on a quota provided by CIHR. All students will be notified whether their application been forwarded to CIHR for review by late November.

Note: The application process itself remains the same regardless of whether your application is submitted through the University of Calgary or to CIHR directly. All applicants are required to complete the CIHR Doctoral Awards Form.

You must ensure that the application is complete and accurate. It is your responsibility to strictly follow the instructions for completing an application and Frequently Asked Questions. All mandatory sections of the application must be completed, including all transcripts, attachments, and the two reference assessments. 

Incomplete applications will be considered ineligible and removed from the competition.


You are required to include up-to-date official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions that you have attended, including University of Calgary transcripts for the fall semester of the year of application, even if no grades were assigned or you did not complete the degree.

Transcript Criteria

All Official transcripts must be uploaded to the application (printed by issuing institution in either electronic or hard copy format). If printed as a hard copy, you must attach a high-quality scan of the document. Watermark security features are expected and allowed.

  1. If transfer credits are issued, they must either
    1. Have their own transcript uploaded to the application 
    2. Be clearly indicated on the degree granting transcript.
  2. Copies of transcripts provided by the UCalgary program in which you are registered or the UCalgary Record of Grades (as provided by the program or Grad Award Office) are accepted.
  3. Screenshots, Printouts from the Student Centre, and/or missing transcripts are not accepted and the application is automatically Ineligible. 

Student responsibility

It is your responsibility to ensure the transcripts uploaded are correct, complete, legible once uploaded and in the correct format. 
Review the final version of your online application before it is submitted.

Attend a workshop

Set yourself up for success and attend one of our workshops or watch a webinar hosted by CIHR.

UCalgary workshops are hosted by the the Graduate Leaders Circle (GLC). The Graduate Leaders Circle is comprised of Vanier, Killam, and Doctoral tri-agency recipients, the most prestigious awards available to graduate students in Canada. Members serve as mentors to help other graduate students improve their chances for various awards.

GLC Awards workshop

Tri-agency Doctoral Workshop #1
Sept 10, 2024 | 10 am - 12 pm

The GLC Q&A sessions are supported by a series of informational videos available on the UCalgary Grad Studies YouTube channel. These videos are intended to completely replace the presentation portion of CGRS D sessions.

** This is a Q&A style session. please ensure you review the informational videos prior to attending this session. Please note: details regarding the competition values etc will be updated as they are officially published by the tri-agencies.**

Download the slides

View the Presentation

CIHR online workshop

2024 Question & Answer Session hosted by CIHR

June 11th, 1:00 – 2:00 EST (11:00 – 12:00 MST) English 
June 13th, 1:00 – 2:00 EST (11:00 – 12:00 MST) French 

Learn more and register at: Webinars - CIHR ( 



CIHR website

One-on-one mentoring

Hosted by the Graduate Leaders Circle, scholarship cafes and dedicated one-on-one mentoring sessions are available for students applying for tri-agency Doctoral scholarships. Drop-in and scheduled sessions are available.

If you have eligibility questions or you experience difficulties with the portal, please contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies office ( or contact the research portal directly.

GLC scholarship cafes

Tri-agency Doctoral Cafe #1:
Sept 11, 2024 | 10 am - 12:30 pm

Tri-agency Doctoral Cafe #2:
Sept 19, 2024 | 1 pm - 3:30 pm

GLC scholarship drop-ins

Tri-agency Doctoral Drop In #1:
Aug 21, 2024 | 1 pm - 2:30 pm

Tri-agency Doctoral Drop In #2:
Sept 5, 2024 | 10 am - 11:30 am

Tri-agency Doctoral Drop In #3:
Sept 23, 2024 | 10 am - 12 pm

Tri-agency Doctoral Drop In #4:
Sept 24, 2024 | 1 pm - 2:30 pm

Tri-agency Doctoral Drop In #5:
Sept 27, 2024 | 2 pm - 3:30 pm