Alberta Innovates

Supporting high calibre students undertaking full-time graduate studies in Emerging Technology Areas of scientific research important to Alberta

At a glance


$26,000 master’s, up to two years
$31,000 doctoral, up to four years
$18,000 AGES top-up value
$12,000 Major Award top-up value




This competition is managed through the Graduate Award Competition (GAC)

See GAC application deadline

Degree type

Open to thesis-based students undertaking a full-time graduate program in research areas that are strategically important to Alberta.

Learn more

Research areas

Your research must fall within the descriptions of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) or Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Technologies (AMM) in and of themselves and which additionally support one, or more, of the following eligible Emerging Technology areas:

  • ICT – Communications Networks and Services
  • ICT – Internet of Things/Machine-to-Machine Systems
  • ICT – Advanced Data Management and Analytics, including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • ICT – Cybersecurity
  • ICT – Human Interaction with Digital Media
  • ICT – Quantum Computing, Devices and Processors


  • AMM – Automation (Including Robotics)
  • AMM – Lightweight Materials and Technologies
  • AMM – Additive Manufacturing
  • AMM – NanotechnologyAMM – Quantum Materials

Preparing your application

You are encouraged to apply for awards when you have submitted your admissions application and received your University of Calgary student number (UCID). You are not required to meet the eligibility requirements in the terms of reference of an award when you apply, but if successful, you must meet the eligibility requirements at the time the award is paid.

Please ensure that you have completed the following two steps before submitting your application:

Read the terms of reference

Awards are based on merit. It is important to read and understand the award terms of reference listed on this page and/or on the agency, or donor website.

Know your eligibility

Read our guide to discover the polices and regulations that determines a student's award eligibility at the University of Calgary.

Award Guide: Eligibility

Terms of reference


You must be able to clearly articulate how your research aligns with Alberta Innovates’ Emerging Technology Areas and how your research can produce potential environmental, health, economic, social and other impacts for Alberta.

See Alberta Innovates' guidelines.

Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarships


The Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarships AGES top-up is only available to students who have applied for, and been awarded, both an Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarships award and Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarships award.

The Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarships Major Award top-up is only available to students who have applied for, and been awarded, both a major award and Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarships award.

For the purposes of the Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarships competition, a major award is defined as having a value of $17,500 or higher.


This competition is managed through the Graduate Award Competition (GAC). The Graduate Award Competition opens November 1 of each year.

To submit your application go to your Student Centre and click the link Apply for Graduate Funding in the Financial Aid section of your home screen. Visit this page for detailed instructions.


Learn about the Graduate Award Competition


This competition is managed through the Graduate Award Competition (GAC). The Graduate Award Competition opens November 1 of each year.

Attend a Workshop

Set yourself up for success and attend one of our workshops.

FGS Awards workshop

GAC Workshop
Nov 28, 2024 | 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

The GLC Q&A sessions are supported by a series of informational videos (link pending). These videos are intended to completely replace the presentation portion of GAC sessions.


Alberta Innovates Workshop

AB Innovates Workshop

Participants should view the Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarships (GSS) Program Guidelines in advance and come to the Q&A session with specific questions in mind.

View a Recording of the November 2023 workshop

One-on-one mentoring

The Graduate Leaders Circle (GLC) is hosting scholarship cafes, dedicated one-on-one mentoring sessions for students applying for scholarships. Drop-in and scheduled sessions are available.

If you have eligibility questions or you experience difficulties with the application, please contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies office (


GLC scholarship cafes

Students will be able to register for one 30 minute mentoring session. Signing up for more than one time slot reduces the number of spaces available for students

GAC Cafe #1:
Dec 4, 2023 | 2 pm - 4:30 pm

GAC Cafe #2:
Jan 17, 2024 | 10 am -12:00 noon


GLC scholarship drop-ins

GAC Drop In #1:
Dec 11, 2023 | 10 am - 12:00 noon

GAC Drop In #2:
Jan 4, 2024 | 10 am - 11:30 am

GAC Drop In #3:
Jan 9, 2024 | 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm