Decolonizing Dissertations
Decolonizing Dissertations is a series of events hosted by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. This series responds to the new Indigenous Strategy at the University of Calgary.
These events critically analyze the entire process that culminates in the dissertation or thesis (including: admissions, coursework, committees, candidacy, ethics, research process, dissemination, and representation). The series is sponsored by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, the Graduate Students’ Association Quality Money Program and the Graduate College.
Reflections on Decolonizing the PhD I: A Roundtable
This session took place on November 24, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM in Crowsnest Hall. The session featured a panel discussion with an audience question and answer period. Panelists include Dr. Jennifer Leason, doctoral student Gabrielle Lindstrom, Dr. Adam Murry, and Dr. Rain Prud'homme-Cranford.
Reflections on Decolonizing the PhD II: A Roundtable
This is the third event in the “Decolonizing Dissertations” series. This roundtable featured four speakers currently completing PhDs discussing the often-invisible work required of Indigenous scholars, as well as the critical role of mentoring in their graduate student experience.