Craig Johansen, MBA, PhD, PEng

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (Queen's University) 2003
M.A.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering (Carleton University) 2005
M.B.A. (Heriot-Watt University) 2006
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Queen's University) 2009

Craig Johansen

Areas of Research

High-Speed Aerodynamics and Propulsion
Dr. Johansen's research focuses on areas that involve fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer and gas dynamics. The work is motivated to solve problems in high-speed aerodynamics, propulsion, power generation, and explosion safety. His research lab includes several shock tubes with non-intrusive optical diagnostics, computer cluster for computational fluid dynamics, propulsion test cell, and hardware for flight testing.

Supervising degrees

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering - Masters: Seeking Students
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering - Doctoral: Seeking Students

Working with this supervisor

Energetic Masters and PhD students are sought to join the Aerospace and Compressible Flow Research (AERO-CORE - Group. Fully-funded positions and research projects are available for problems related to high-speed propulsion and high-speed aerodynamics for rockets and aircraft. Flight tests, engine test cells, rocket static firings, shock-tunnel tests, wind-tunnel tests, computational fluid dynamics simulations, multi-disciplinary design optimization, and theoretical analyses will be used as research methods. You will be joining a large, vibrant, and experienced research group that has a mission of bringing vehicle concepts to flight. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Johansen directly at and include a resume/CV and a cover letter that describes your ideal research project.