Alastair Cribb, DVM, PhD, FCAS

PhD in clinical pharmacology (pharmacogenetics)Hospital for Sick Children University of Toronto, Canada
DVM Western College of Veterinary Medicine University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Alastair Cribb

Areas of Research

My research focuses on the role of individual and species differences in drug metabolism on the outcomes associated with exposures to drugs and environmental chemicals in humans and animals. Outcomes of particular interest include idiosyncratic drug reactions, organ or species specific toxicities, and cancers.
Molecular toxicology
My research in molecular toxicology explores the molecular basis of adverse drug reactions in animals and humans, with a particular interest in idiosyncratic drugs reactions, reactive metabolites, and the role of endoplasmic reticulum stress proteins.

Supervising degrees

Medical Science - Masters: Unavailable
Medical Science - Doctoral: Unavailable
Veterinary Medical Sciences - Doctoral: Unavailable
Veterinary Medical Sciences - Masters: Unavailable

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