Sept. 29, 2022
Share your perspective on how hybrid work should operate at UCalgary
Since COVID-19, the world has had a crash course in remote and hybrid working arrangements. As part of our commitment to faculty and staff, the University of Calgary is establishing a long-term approach to how we balance working onsite with working remotely. This formal hybrid work approach is slated for completion by early 2023.
Many units across campus have been testing out methods for balancing work responsibilities in a hybrid work environment for much of this year. A survey was also shared in May 2022, gathering viewpoints from employees across our campuses about how hybrid work has been operating in practice. We want to thank everyone who participated in the survey. The response rate, and the input, was tremendous. View a summary of the results.
Next steps
Our next stage of community engagement will be to obtain feedback via focus groups. As such, we are currently seeking individuals for a series of focus groups directed at leaders and employees. All enrolments will be managed through PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning (ELM).
As our long-term approach to hybrid work develops, we encourage leaders and employees to continue to work together to manage and evaluate their current work arrangements.
For the most up-to-date information, visit the Hybrid Work Program website.
If you have any questions, please contact UService at hr@ucalgary.ca.