Sept. 10, 2019
The memories, the fun and the future were celebrated at Alumni Weekend

“If you don’t see the world that you want, you have to build it,” said a jubilant Mary Ann Moser, BSc’88, MA’92, PhD’05, upon receiving an Arch Award for Community Commitment at last week’s celebration.
Those words may have been uttered in reference to the creation of Beakerhead, but they also became a springboard for what transpired between last Thursday’s launch of Alumni Weekend, to the wrap on Sunday afternoon. All weekend long, wedges of our world were invented, tested, rejected, accepted and debated — from illuminating sessions on neuromyths in child development and gender identities in sport, to Gandhi’s lessons on pluralism, equity and global citizenship. More than a dozen panels and talks sparked insightful debates over a range of relevant and topical issues.
In between those dynamic heavy-hitters were personal stories, advice and levity — and plenty of the latter. From the Race of the Rexes at Friday’s Dinos game, to a geocache puzzle, even a spirited Links and Drinks session at The Den, saw alumni and friends connecting with the University of Calgary.
From the always-inspiring Arch Awards celebration at the new Calgary Public Library to the inaugural Chancellor’s Bike Ride, more than 1,500 people turned up for Alumni Weekend.
Some highlights:
- Path to the Pulitzer, an interview over lunch with Susanne Craig, BA’91, Hon. LLD’19, the New York Times investigative journalist who won a Pulitzer earlier this year for an 18-month probe into President Trump’s taxes.
- The Chancellor’s Ride, where 170 cyclists turned out to cycle distances from 47 to 116 kilometres, helping raise more than $100,000, providing 40 students with scholarships.
Want to relive the weekend? Check out the image gallery below.