What is Experiential Learning?
At the University of Calgary, Experiential Learning (EL) takes place across several categories of learning. Graduate student internships may qualify as EL opportunities, either as research-based experiential learning or as work-integrated learning.
Research-based EL supports students in developing skills and capacities for creativity, innovation, and discovery by leading or contributing to a research project.
Work-integrated learning is a category of EL activities completed as part of an academic program in a work-like setting, such as cooperative education, internships, and practica.

Transformative Talent Internships
Transformative Talent Internships (TTIs) are skills internships for graduate students.
TTIs connect graduate students with opportunities to explore careers and help bridge the gap between academia and the workplace. They also demonstrate to employers the value of hiring people with advanced research skills.
Graduate students in masters and PhD programs can participate in internships related to skills they are developing in their graduate study. Internship opportunities do not need to be connected to a graduate student’s thesis research.