Personal Wellness

Focusing on self care and well-being allows your academic, personal and professional life to flourish. Get empowered to establish healthy practices and reach out for help when you need it. Skills and topics include:

- Resilience,

- Stress management,

- Motivation,

- Procrastination,

- Physical well being,

and more...

Need to discuss a matter impacting your academic success in a safe and confidential space? Connect with a Graduate Academic and International Specialist.

Get connected

Get Connected

Check out grad student groups' events that facilitate mental and physical wellbeing.They are also a great way to network with peers:

The Graduate Student Association

The Graduate College

The Graduate Leaders Circle

Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Education

UCalgary resources

To support your health and wellbeing

Wellness Services

  • One-on-one  remote counselling
  • Online resources
  • Workshops and seminars
  • Advising

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Active Living

  • Workout videos
  • Zoom group workouts
  • Free activities for adults and kids


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Empower Me

Connect with qualified counsellors, consultants, and life coaches for a variety of issues. Use your GSA Health Plan, to access sessions delivered in person, by telephone, by video-counselling, or by e-counselling.

    Learn more