Teaching & Mentoring Development
Graduate students are often called upon for their knowledge and experience. Whether you are a teaching assistant or are preparing for a career in academia, check out the workshops and resources below.
If you need help planning an online course, consider connecting with a Learning technology coach

The Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning (TITL)
- Workshops (Online and Self-Paced): The TITL is offering many online and self-paced workshops throughout the summer on various topics, such as course and rubric design, using technology (e.g. Zoom, Yuja, D2L), teaching online (e.g. setting up online discussions and engaging students, creating online quizzes), Check out their calendar to learn more. Explore available workshops
- Resources on the Web: The TITL also offers resources online to help you build courses and strengthen your knowledge and skills in teaching and learning continuity. Learn more
- Teaching Assistant Orientation Module: The TITL has put together a learning module for all teaching assistants regardless of experience. It will introduce you to a model of professional development that encourages you to continue to grow in your ability to support student learning. Learn more