Xi-Long Zheng, PhD, MD
PhD in Pharmacology Cumming School of Medicine University of Calgary
Areas of Research
Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular Disease
RESEARCH PROJECTS FOR GRADUATES 1) Investigate the roles of autophagy in vascular smooth muscle. Approach: Smooth muscle-specific knockout of Atg7. Outcome: a vascular premature aging mouse model. 2) Study the role of PCSK9 in vascular smooth muscle. Approach: Smooth muscle-specific knockin and knockout. Outcome: A new therapeutic target of atherosclerosis. 3) Explore the protective role against atherosclerosis of MCPIP1, an RNA binding protein, in vascular smooth muscle. Approach: Smooth muscle-specific knockin and knockout. Outcome: A new therapeutic target of atherosclerosis. 4) Investigate the regulatory effects of estrogen metabolites and a novel endothelium-derived contraction factor, uridine adenosine tetraphosphate (Up4A), on the vascular system. Approach: Hypertension and atherosclerosis animal models. Outcome: New drug discovery.
RESEARCH PROJECTS FOR GRADUATES 1) Investigate the roles of autophagy in vascular smooth muscle. Approach: Smooth muscle-specific knockout of Atg7. Outcome: a vascular premature aging mouse model. 2) Study the role of PCSK9 in vascular smooth muscle. Approach: Smooth muscle-specific knockin and knockout. Outcome: A new therapeutic target of atherosclerosis. 3) Explore the protective role against atherosclerosis of MCPIP1, an RNA binding protein, in vascular smooth muscle. Approach: Smooth muscle-specific knockin and knockout. Outcome: A new therapeutic target of atherosclerosis. 4) Investigate the regulatory effects of estrogen metabolites and a novel endothelium-derived contraction factor, uridine adenosine tetraphosphate (Up4A), on the vascular system. Approach: Hypertension and atherosclerosis animal models. Outcome: New drug discovery.
Supervising degrees
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Doctoral: Accepting Inquiries
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Masters: Accepting Inquiries
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences - Doctoral: Accepting Inquiries
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences - Masters: Accepting Inquiries
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Highly Motivated Candidates With Strong Background in One of the Following Areas: Pathology, Physiology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Molecular or Cell Biology.
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