Sachin Pendharkar, MD, MSc, FRCPC, DRCPSC (Sleep Disorders Medicine)
M.D. University of Western OntarioM.Sc. University of Calgary
Areas of Research
In am interested in understanding and improving health service delivery for sleep disorders care, particularly sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). My research program focuses on operational, sociodemographic and financial barriers to access for individuals with SDB. Examples of projects related to this theme include: the use of alternative care providers to manage SDB; integrating primary and specialty care in the management of SDB; and the impact of social vulnerability on patient outcomes for SDB.
Supervising degrees
Working with this supervisor
I am seeking highly motivated individuals with an interest in quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods research. Expertise in academic writing is an asset. Preference will be given to candidates with high academic standing in a related research or clinical discipline.
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