Ruisheng Wang, PEng
PhD in Computer Engineering McGill University Canada
Areas of Research
photogrammetry, computer vision, remote sensing
Supervising degrees
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I always look for self-motivated students with strong mathematical and programming skills. If you are interested in joining us, please send me an email with a detailed CV and transcripts. Please be aware that I normally receive a large number of emails everyday, I may not be able to reply to every applicant. However, I will contact you if you appear qualified for an open position that I have.
For general admission information, see details here
You can access the online application for admission here. Be sure to indicate that you have been in contact with me.
Entrance scholarship application information can be found here Please read the instruction carefully and you are encouraged to apply for all the eligible scholarships. Please ask Graduate Program Administrator June Au Yeung at for more information about your eligibility of the scholarship applications.