Conducted every three years, the Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey (CGPSS) helps the Faculty of Graduate Studies better understand the graduate educational experience at the University of Calgary. By exploring the level of engagement both inside and outside of the classroom, the CGPSS gathers important information that will be used to make the graduate experience even better for current and future students.
This survey provides performance measurements on student satisfaction with their graduate programs and experience. It helps us identify our strengths and ensure that our graduate programs continue to improve, inspire and set the course for high standards of academic excellence.

Quick facts
UCalgary participation: Since 2010
Frequency: Every 3 years
Next Administration: 2025
Administration Period: January 29 – April 15, 2025
Distribution Method: Web, with 4-5 direct e-mail contacts with students
Sample Size: All current graduate students
Jan. 29
CGPSS launches. Invitation to complete survey sent to current graduate students.
Feb. 12
First email reminder sent to current graduate students.
Feb. 24
Second email reminder sent to current graduate students.
March 10
Third email reminder sent to current graduate students.
March 15
Early-bird contest winners drawn and contacted no later than this date.
March 24
Fourth email reminder sent to current graduate students.
April 15
CGPSS closes at 11:59 p.m. (MT).
May 15
Contest winners drawn and contacted no later than this date.
What outcomes can come from the survey results?
Student feedback from previous surveys has been foundational in the launch of initiatives and tools including the My GradSkills program (professional development) and supervisory development program. Continued feedback is critical to keep evolving the programs to meet the needs of current students and the changing demands of the job market. Below are examples of outcomes from student feedback gathered in the survey.

Let's talk about grad! Share your feedback with us.
The results from the CGPSS are used at the faculty and program level to improve and shape the future of the graduate student experience.
As a special thank you for completing the survey, graduate students can enter into a draw to win one (1) of ten (10) $100 UCalgary Bookstore gift certificates. Winners who are also UCalgary employees will receive a gift item worth $100. At the end of the survey, you will be asked for your email address if you wish to enter the draw. Entry into the draw is optional.
Frequently asked questions
The survey is open on January 29 and closes at 11:59 p.m. (MT) on April 15, 2025.
Graduate students with a valid UCalgary email address received an email invitation on January 29, 2025 from the Office of the Vice Provost (Graduate Studies) via a survey firm, CRIEVAT, with a link to the survey (the email will be sent from the following email address: If you cannot find your invitation, please contact the Office of Institutional Analysis at
All current students who were registered in a graduate program at the University of Calgary prior to January 2025.
Students will be asked questions about their satisfaction in a number of areas including:
- Graduate program
- Quality of interactions and coursework
- Professional skills development
- Research experience
- Academic advising, supervision
- Financial support
- University services and student/social life
- Equity, diversity and inclusion and Indigenization at the University of Calgary
CRIEVAT will remove all identifying information from the data before it is returned to the university. Where the numbers of responses in a program or to any question are below 5, program or question-specific info will not be reported to protect anonymity.
Your participation is entirely voluntary and you may withdraw from the survey at any time. You are also able to skip any question, or questions, that you would prefer not to answer.
There is no penalty if you choose not to participate.
The survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You can complete the survey in one sitting, or save your answers and complete it at a different time.
First year graduate student impressions and feedback are still very valuable. Your input can bring some important changes for newly admitted students.
If you are in your final year, you have the most experience and can offer great insights to help improve your program.
Your feedback wherever possible is still very valuable. You can skip any questions that seem irrelevant at any time.
The study is run by a third party survey firm, CRIEVAT, that will collect, aggregate and analyze the data submitted by graduate students. The university receives reports with the aggregate survey results and evaluate these to identify areas that are successful and areas for improvement.
The university also uses the survey results to build secure-access data to support FGS and university-wide strategic planning.
The university will share findings with the university community in Fall 2025.
If you are a graduate student in your first term (starting January 2025), you are not eligible to complete the survey.
Otherwise, please check all your folders in your inbox and if you still cannot find the email invitation, please contact the Office of Institutional Analysis at
Please contact the Office of Institutional Analysis at