Rod T. Squance, BMus, MMus, DMA
DMA in Music Performance, Frost School of Music University of Miami, U.S.A.MMus in Music Performance, University of Calgary, Canada.
BMus in Music Performance, University of Calgary, Canada.

Areas of Research
Percussion, marimba, jazz vibraphone, contemporary and non-Western music and performance practice.
Non-Western performance and pedagogy; Balinese gender wayang performance, performance practice and pedagogy; North Indian Hindustani classical music performance and performance practice; intercultural fusion performance practice and pedagogy; composition.
Supervising degrees
Working with this supervisor
Graduate students in performance, especially percussionists, are welcome to inquire. Graduate students interested in ethnomusicology, especially in the areas of performance, performance practice, pedagogy and composition, or a combination of two or more of the above, are also welcome to inquire.
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