Pil Hansen, PhD

Areas of Research
Embodied memory, perception, learning, and social connection within creative processes and performance situations in dance, theatre, performance, and inter-arts. Performing arts interventions or strategies for health, accessibility, and learning purposes. Enhancement and diversification of professional performing arts training and practice.
Expanded, contemporary dance, theatre, interarts, and crip/mad arts dramaturgy. Dramaturgies of accessibility. Dramaturgical agency and ethics. Facilitation of creative processes, compositional choice making, and audience experience in contemporary dance -- using, adapting, and developing a wide range of creative strategies.
The dramaturgy, notation, and psychological effects of systematic approaches to improvisation in dance as well as music and theatre.
Methodological cross-over between artistic, scientific, ethnographic, and scholarly research. Research ethics.
Strategic planning, artistic development, marketing, fundraising, and financial management in the performing arts. Emphasis on tools and strategies that are mission-based and inclusive, engage audiences as co-producers of experiences, and extend artistic methods to marketing and business planning.
Supervising degrees
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Working with this supervisor
I welcome inquiries from students applying to Drama's 'Theatre Studies' or 'Interdisciplinary Research and Creation' MFA specializations as well as the PhD and Masters programs in Computational Media Design. I enjoy working with students who have strong academic abilities, or a combination of academic and artistic skills, and wish to produce both scholarly and artistic knowledge that can make a difference and be applied. Students pursuing interdisciplinary work will find me open to working with a co-supervisor from another department and discipline. While I supervise a broad range of subjects, I am particularly interested in students who wish to pursue empirical and/or artistic thesis research on a performing arts psychology or dramaturgy topic involving access deserving populations.
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