Peter Balkwill, MFA, BFA
MFA, Acting / Honours BFA Theatre - Acting Specialization Univeristy of Washington-Seattle / USA Univeristy of Victoria / Canada
Areas of Research
Over the last twenty years my research has been tied to stylized forms of physical performance, particularly work that connects with puppetry and mask – how these two conventions play-off-of, and inform each other. In relationship to this work I have been engaged in the implication of collective creation, how this process sits within the ensemble, how it is facilitated, directed and performed. My work examines the relationship of the body in space, connecting the energy of the performer to the energy of the audience in context to both classical and contemporary theatre, text driven or silent narrative.
Supervising degrees
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Working with this supervisor
I am keen to work with self-driven artists who are eager to find and push the bounds of their individual voice, but also those who are interested in sharing themselves and their strength into the spirit of ensemble – people who bring an optimistic energy into grand struggle of making art.
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