Ning Cheng, PhD

Postdoctoral fellowship, NIH, USA
PhD, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA
BSc, Peking University Health Science Center, China

Ning photo

Areas of Research

Autism, Fragile X Syndrome, Translational studies on neurodevelopmental disorders using animal models
Autism is one of the most prevalent neurodevelopmental disorders both in Canada and worldwide. It causes significant social and behavioral challenges. Currently, no cure exists for autism. The overarching goal of my research program is to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the core symptoms and to identify potential therapeutics for autism. To achieve this goal, we utilize animal models of autism and related disorders such as Fragile X Syndrome. We perform in vivo recording and modulation of brain activities, combined with simultaneous behavioral assessment. We also collect tissue for biochemical, electrophysiological, molecular, and anatomical analysis. Based on mechanistic studies, we further test the efficacy of potential therapeutics. These translational studies will contribute to our understanding of the pathophysiology of autism and related disorders. Ultimately, this new understanding will lead to development of novel treatments for these disorders, which is desperately needed to reduce the burden of affected individuals, their families, and our society.

Supervising degrees

Neuroscience - Masters: Seeking Students
Medical Science - Masters: Seeking Students

Working with this supervisor

Positions are open for motivated individuals interested in neurodevelopment and disorders, with a strong work ethic and undergraduate research experience. Interested individuals are encouraged to send their CV, unofficial transcript, and a letter of interest to Dr. Cheng at Please note that only suitable candidates will be contacted.

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