Mamdouh El-Badry, PhD, PEng, FCSCE
PhD in Structural Engineering University of Calgary, Canada
Areas of Research
Development of Innovative Structural Systems for Bridges and Other Structures
For details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
For details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges and Other Structures
Monitoring performance of the Confederation Bridge: field measurements and laboratory testing of properties of concrete and prestressing steel used in construction of the bridge are on-going. Code equations for prediction of the time-dependent material properties are calibrated by the measured values and new equations are developed. Also, short- and long-term deflections have been measured during construction, and in truck-loading tests and at several time intervals after completion of the bridge. The measured deflections are compared with the results of computer analyses using Program CPF and good agreement is obtained, particularly when the measured material properties and the effects of temperature variations are included in the analysis. For more details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
Monitoring performance of the Confederation Bridge: field measurements and laboratory testing of properties of concrete and prestressing steel used in construction of the bridge are on-going. Code equations for prediction of the time-dependent material properties are calibrated by the measured values and new equations are developed. Also, short- and long-term deflections have been measured during construction, and in truck-loading tests and at several time intervals after completion of the bridge. The measured deflections are compared with the results of computer analyses using Program CPF and good agreement is obtained, particularly when the measured material properties and the effects of temperature variations are included in the analysis. For more details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
Application of Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Other Structures
Use of Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP) in concrete structures: several investigations under this topic are currently in progress including: Development of innovative corrosion-free bridge systems; temperature effects on concrete structures reinforced with FRP; optimum design of precast bridge systems prestressed with FRP tendons; serviceability and strength of concrete slabs reinforced with FRP; strengthening of concrete structures with externally prestressed FRP tendons; retrofitting of prestressed concrete railway crossties with fibre composite fabrics; seismic rehabilitation of concrete beam-column joints with FRP laminates. For more details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
Use of Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP) in concrete structures: several investigations under this topic are currently in progress including: Development of innovative corrosion-free bridge systems; temperature effects on concrete structures reinforced with FRP; optimum design of precast bridge systems prestressed with FRP tendons; serviceability and strength of concrete slabs reinforced with FRP; strengthening of concrete structures with externally prestressed FRP tendons; retrofitting of prestressed concrete railway crossties with fibre composite fabrics; seismic rehabilitation of concrete beam-column joints with FRP laminates. For more details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
Design and Analysis for Serviceability and Sustainability of Concrete Structures
Numerical procedures and computer programs have been developed for the analysis of time-dependent stresses and deformations of a wide range of concrete structures due to the effects of creep and shrinkage of concrete, relaxation of prestressing steel, cracking and tension stiffening of concrete, and temperature variations. Structures that can be analyzed include: continuous bridges built span-by-span; segmental construction or structures built up of precast prestressed concrete members connected and made continuous by cast-in-situ concrete deck or joints and a second stage prestressing; multi-storey structures (Programs RPM, CRACK, and CPF: Cracked Plane Frames in Prestressed Concrete); and segmentally erected curved prestressed concrete box-girder bridges (Program TD-SFRAME: Time-Dependent Analysis of Space FRAMEs). For more details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
Numerical procedures and computer programs have been developed for the analysis of time-dependent stresses and deformations of a wide range of concrete structures due to the effects of creep and shrinkage of concrete, relaxation of prestressing steel, cracking and tension stiffening of concrete, and temperature variations. Structures that can be analyzed include: continuous bridges built span-by-span; segmental construction or structures built up of precast prestressed concrete members connected and made continuous by cast-in-situ concrete deck or joints and a second stage prestressing; multi-storey structures (Programs RPM, CRACK, and CPF: Cracked Plane Frames in Prestressed Concrete); and segmentally erected curved prestressed concrete box-girder bridges (Program TD-SFRAME: Time-Dependent Analysis of Space FRAMEs). For more details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
Computational Modelling of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures.
For details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
For details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
Dynamic and Seismic Performance of Bridges.
Seismic behaviour of cable-stayed bridges: numerical studies have been conducted on the effects of cable vibration, support conditions, tower stiffness and soil conditions on the earthquake response of conventional and multi-span cable-stayed bridges. For more details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
Seismic behaviour of cable-stayed bridges: numerical studies have been conducted on the effects of cable vibration, support conditions, tower stiffness and soil conditions on the earthquake response of conventional and multi-span cable-stayed bridges. For more details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
Computer-aided Analysis and Design of Structures.
For details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
For details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
Temperature Effects on Concrete Structures.
Numerical procedures and computer programs based on finite element techniques for heat transfer and stress analysis have been developed to determine temperature variations due to weather conditions, and the induced thermal stresses in bridge structures and storage tanks. Two programs, FETAB and FETAB-3D are now available for two- and three-dimensional Finite Element Thermal Analysis of Bridges. Also, design guidelines have been established for control of thermal cracking in reinforced concrete structures with or without prestressing. For more details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
Numerical procedures and computer programs based on finite element techniques for heat transfer and stress analysis have been developed to determine temperature variations due to weather conditions, and the induced thermal stresses in bridge structures and storage tanks. Two programs, FETAB and FETAB-3D are now available for two- and three-dimensional Finite Element Thermal Analysis of Bridges. Also, design guidelines have been established for control of thermal cracking in reinforced concrete structures with or without prestressing. For more details and selected publications, please visit my ResearchGate page at
Supervising degrees
Civil Engineering - Doctoral: Seeking Students
Civil Engineering - Masters: Seeking Students
Civil Engineering - Masters: Seeking Students
Civil Engineering - Masters: Seeking Students
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Candidates with interest and excellent skills in experimental testing and computational modelling of structures are highly desirable.
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