Julio Mercader Florin, PhD, Professor
Ph D (University of Madrid, Spain, 1997),Research Associate, Department of Archaeology, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany
Research Associate, Department of Archaeology, IPHES (Catalan Institute of Human Palaeoecology and Social Evolution), Tarragona, Spain
Adjunct Professor, Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary, Canada

Areas of Research
Supervising degrees
Working with this supervisor
All applicants are ranked by the Department, not the prospective supervisor.
To suceed during the application process / or to work with this supervisor you need:
- Grade Point Average > 3.7 (out of 4)
- Prior publication
Consider emailing me a CV, transcripts, and the reason to join us weeks before applying.
Time commitment for supervision weekly: 2h
If supervisor does not provide funding, do I have money for research? You would have to apply for competitive funding through external sources, such as Foundations.
Can I work par-time while in program? Only if you follow existing Grad Studies regulations and limitations.
Will I be a TA? The program and department make that decision. Not every student is entitled to a TAship.
What is a typical completion time for Masters and PhDs? 2-3 years Masters. 4-5 years PhD.
Do my research interests and project need to match the supervisor’s? Not necessarily. There must be some expertise alignment, however.
Will you offer money for conferences and travel to the field? This is dependent on funding. Should this not be available, the student would have to apply for it externally.
Do you offer opportunities for publication? Yes, often.
Contact this supervisor
Complete the following form if you are interested in working with this supervisor for your Graduate Program. All fields are required, unless indicated otherwise.
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