Julia Kirkham, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada, Psychiatry and Geriatric PsychiatryMSc, Healthcare Quality, Queen's University, Canada
MD, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
BSc, Exercise Science, University of Iowa, USA
Areas of Research
My research program is broadly focused on healthcare quality and specifically on access, safety, and equity quality domains. This includes advancing measurement of healthcare quality in mental health conditions towards developing systems-level approaches to identifying and improving areas of low quality of care and projects involving primary data collection, as well as studies using provincial administrative health data. Conditions and clinical areas of interest include reducing harmful medication use in dementia and long-term care, evaluating and addressing care inequities in serious mental illness (schizophrenia and related disorders), and optimizing aging care services for those with neurodevelopmental disorders. Graduate students under my supervision will have the opportunity to engage in impactful clinical and health services research guided by my experience as a healthcare provider, access a network of interdisciplinary clinician and researcher collaborators, and receive individualized mentorship to support research and career goals.
Supervising degrees
Working with this supervisor
Highly motivated students who value aging and mental health, demonstrate a strong academic background and professionalism, and interest in healthcare and the healthcare system. Abilities for research (open-mindedness, strong work ethic, both collaborative and self-directed) necessary; past research experience is an asset but not required.
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