Giuseppe Iaria, PhD

PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience, M Sc in Neuropsychology, B Sc in Psychology University of Rome / Italy

Giuseppe Iaria

Areas of Research

Spatial Cognition
We make use of neuroimaging, genetic, behavioral and neuropsychological approaches to investigate the cognitive skills and neural mechanisms underlying the human ability to orient and navigate in spatial surroundings. We are interested in understanding the fundamental mechanisms related to spatial cognition throughout the life span (from early development to the elderly) and in the event of clinical conditions affecting the central nervous system.
We use fMRI, DTI, VBM, and functional and structural connectivity techniques allowing us to look at different brain mechanisms.

Supervising degrees

Psychology - Doctoral: Unavailable
Psychology - Masters: Unavailable
Neuroscience - Doctoral: Unavailable
Neuroscience - Masters: Unavailable

More information

Working with this supervisor

We are looking for students with a strong interest in learning about brain mechanisms responsible for specific cognitive domains.