Fadhel M. Ghannouchi, PEng, FIEEE, FIET, FEIC,FCAE, FRSC
PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal
Areas of Research
This research theme deals with the development of the advanced reconfigurable, adaptive, broadband front-ends for future communication systems. This includes several aspects such as reconfigurable, multi-band and multi-standards RF front-ends. The design of multiband, multimode transmitters is an important element for the development of truly software-defined radio (SDR) based transmitters for the infrastructure of ubiquitous networks. The use of multi-antenna radio architectures will further improve system performance, mainly in terms of capacity, coverage and service availability.
This research theme aims at developing new knowledge related to the power amplifiers design and the optimization in the terms of linearity and power efficiency using device level as well as the system level design approaches. In particular, the research and development activities are geared to the development of the advanced amplifications systems using the switching mode amplifiers and the distributed multi-branch amplifiers for the broadband communications for wireless , satellite and space applications.
This theme consists of developing accurate and robust models for the RF devices, circuits and the communication systems. These models are essential for the circuit level or system level simulation required for the design and optimisation of the overall radio system performance. These activities focus on the development of comprehensive non-linear models that can track and predict real communication circuits and the behaviour of the system when driven by RF modulated signals.
This theme groups the research activities related to the development of the advanced signal processing techniques and algorithms which are required for software enabled transmitter /receiver. The advances in transceiver architectures call for an RF/DSP co-design approach, to ensure the desired functionality and optimal system-level performance. This includes impairment pre-compensation and architecture-dependent signal processing and conditioning. Implementation issues of the developed algorithms are also included in this theme.
This research theme encompasses broad activities related to the testing and characterization of the devices, circuits, systems and materials. Noise measurement techniques; on-wafer measurements and de-embedding techniques; load-pull measurements, mm-wave measurements, multi-port and differential S-parameters measurements; waveform measurements, six-port techniques and applications and RF material propriety measurements are of interests.
The appeal of energy harvesting either as an auxiliary power source to recharge battery or as a primary source in self-powered sensors applications has drawn significant research attention. In order to reduce operating costs and minimize the impact of the carbon emission footprint of communication networks, but still reach the full potential of IoT, many wireless infrastructure providers and operators have been highly active in the investigation of new approaches and techniques to reduce energy consumption and /or recycle energy dissipation within the RF front-end and sensors with the aim to develop power efficient (green), self-sustainable and ultra-low-power consumption radio and sensors that are capable of harvesting their required energy from ambient sources from the presence of electromagnetic communication systems in the usage of wireless communication devices.
With the increasing demand for high data rates, Gbps (gigabit/second) communication has become a necessity in recent years. Such speeds cannot be achieved by transceivers with carrier frequencies located in the lower frequency bands, such UHF, L or S bands. By moving to higher carrier frequencies (mm-wave bands), one can achieve high data rate transmissions, but at considerably higher design costs and degraded linearity performance and energy efficiency. Therefore, there is a necessity to propose new transceiver architectures suitable for these high-frequency ranges that guarantee better linearity and energy consumption, while maintaining low cost and complexity.
Miniaturization of antennas is one of the challenging tasks in compact radio frequency (RF) system design. Many different antenna miniaturization techniques available in the literature are mainly assuming the interacting impedance to be 50 Ω. However, due to the fundamental limit, miniaturized antennas are generally narrow band and likely to be de-tuned by the output impedance of the power amplifier (PA) or by the input impedance of the low noise amplifier (LNA). Similarly, traditional PAs and LNAs are designed assuming the antenna impedance to be 50 Ω. However, when a 10 dB matching is considered, the impedance magnitude can be anything in between 50-100 Ω. Such mismatch at the interface of PA-Antenna or LNA-Antenna not only deteriorates the linearity of the system but also the overall radiation performance by the antenna. To cope with these problems, a new antenna miniaturization technique based on antenna integrated RF front-end is proposed where antenna and amplifiers are co-designed so that optimum amplifier and radiation performances are achieved.
RoF is a well establish technology for cellular back-haul wireless networks and being considered for front-haul 5G networks. Further more optical carriers are also considered for free-space optical communications (LaserComm) is an emerging technology wherein data is modulated onto laser beams, which offers the promise of much higher data rates than what is achievable with radio-frequency (RF) transmissions. Laser transmission has narrower beam widths than their RF counterparts due to reduced diffraction that is proportional to the wavelength, this results in less beam divergence, higher antenna gain and more power efficient transmission. LaserComm is intended to be used for line-of-sight communications and point-to-point links for near-earth communication applications such as inter-satellite links and for far-earth deep space communications such as in interplanetary communications and guidance, tracking and communication with exploratory missions and spacecrafts.
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Open PhD and PDF positions at iRadio Lab, University of Calgary in the area of GaN MMIC power amplifiers design iRadio Lab is currently recruiting highly qualified and motivated PhD students and postdoctoral fellows with strong background in microwave and millimetre waves MMIC active circuit design to start working as soon as possible. Successful applicants with awarded scholarships or fellowships will be offered a complement to their scholarship or fellowship. Desired skills include: CAD tools (ADS, CST, HFSS, Matlab) Instrumentation (on-wafer measurement, load-pull) Experience in power amplifier design Experience in MMIC design Thermal analysis and design Packaging and circuit design technologies (LTCC, HTCC, MHMIC) The successful candidates will be working on designing high performance advanced topologies power amplifier systems for 5G wireless communications and next generations of satellite/space communications applications in the frequency bands (C-, X-, K- and Ka-). They will work in state-of-the-art lab facility in collaboration with a team of experienced graduate students and researchers. They will also interact with industrial collaborators for their project (Canadian Space Agency, Ericsson Canada, National Research Council, or Nanowave Technologies) with a possibilities to have internships with one of these industrial sponsors. Potential candidate can submit electronically to iradio@ucalgary.ca their applications including a full resume highlighting the relevant experience and skills and including a list of publications.
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