Eva Enkelmann, PhD
PhD at University of Freiberg, GermanyAreas of Research
Tectonics, Thermochronology, Geochronology, Basin Evolution
I am using geo-and thermochronology data to study geologic processes that affect the upper 10-12 kilometer of the crust. This includes mountain building, faulting, erosion, sediment deposition and basin evolutions. I am also interested in methodological research to advance the field of thermochronology.
I am using geo-and thermochronology data to study geologic processes that affect the upper 10-12 kilometer of the crust. This includes mountain building, faulting, erosion, sediment deposition and basin evolutions. I am also interested in methodological research to advance the field of thermochronology.
Supervising degrees
Geoscience - Doctoral: Accepting Inquiries
Geoscience - Masters: Accepting Inquiries
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