Ethan MacDonald, PhD, PEng
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Radiology, University of Calgary, 2020PhD in Biomedical Engineering, University of Calgary, 2014
MSc in Biomedical Engineering, University of Calgary, 2010
BEng in Electrical Engineering, Lakehead University, 2008
Electronics Engineering Technologist Diploma, Nova Scotia Community College, 2006
Electronics Engineering Technician Diploma, Nova Scotia Community College, 2005

Areas of Research
Acquisition and reconstruction of MRI data. Pulse sequence programming. Specialization in brain imaging methods including: vascular, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and diffusion tensor imaging.
Working with large databases and supercomputing resources for analytics, neuroinfomatics, brain morphology, aging physiology, and genetics. Machine learning for generative modelling and prediction. Segmentation and classification of brain tissue and diseases.
Exploring new neural network architectures based on the human brain connectome. Using findings from MRI for brain simulation. Feedback and resonance in neural networks to obtain consciousness and adaptive learning.
Supervising degrees
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Working with this supervisor
Applicants with backgrounds in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Computer Science are a good fit with this supervisor. Applicants with other Engineering or Science Degrees can be considered. Skills in programming, image processing, machine learning, and medical imaging are considered an assist. High GPA, previous research productivity, enthusiasm and work-ethic is weighted considerably. Applications should provide a CV, transcripts, and letter describing their interests and alignment with the research program.
Our program promotes one of skill development, including: programming, writing and presentation skills. In addition to conducting cutting edge research, we aim to have highly successful trainees move into top industry and academic positions. A lab culture promoting healthy work-life balance, equity, diversity and inclusion is intended to yield an idea meritocracy to have high impact with research.