Edwin Cey, PhD, PEng
PhD in Hydrogeology University of Waterloo
Areas of Research
Broadly, my group investigates groundwater flow and transport processes, at a variety of scales, to address hydrogeologic problems related to flow quantification, contaminant migration and remediation, and groundwater resource management.
Broadly, my group investigates groundwater flow and transport processes, at a variety of scales, to address hydrogeologic problems related to flow quantification, contaminant migration and remediation, and groundwater resource management.
Vadose Zone Hydrology and Preferential Flow
I have a keen interest in preferential (macropore) flow that controls water and contaminant movement in soils. Practical applications include studies on solute and bacterial transport, infiltration into frozen soils, remediation of low permeability soils, soil salinity, and improved irrigation water management.
I have a keen interest in preferential (macropore) flow that controls water and contaminant movement in soils. Practical applications include studies on solute and bacterial transport, infiltration into frozen soils, remediation of low permeability soils, soil salinity, and improved irrigation water management.
Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction
My group studies groundwater-surface water connections at various points within the hydrologic cycle. Particular emphasis is placed on interactions adjacent to streams and wetlands, as well as infiltration and groundwater recharge dynamics in the critical zone. A wide variety of hydraulic, thermal, geochemical, and isotopic methods are applied in the field.
My group studies groundwater-surface water connections at various points within the hydrologic cycle. Particular emphasis is placed on interactions adjacent to streams and wetlands, as well as infiltration and groundwater recharge dynamics in the critical zone. A wide variety of hydraulic, thermal, geochemical, and isotopic methods are applied in the field.
Numerical Simulation
Numerical models, from the simple (e.g., VSMB) to the highly complex (e.g., HydroGeoSphere, Hydrus), are utilized to characterize all aspects of subsurface water and contaminant movement. Studies range from coupled fluid flow & thermal transport processes in cracked, frozen soils to watershed-scale investigations of agricultural management practices on groundwater quality.
Numerical models, from the simple (e.g., VSMB) to the highly complex (e.g., HydroGeoSphere, Hydrus), are utilized to characterize all aspects of subsurface water and contaminant movement. Studies range from coupled fluid flow & thermal transport processes in cracked, frozen soils to watershed-scale investigations of agricultural management practices on groundwater quality.
Subsurface Microbial Transport
Specialty research on the fate and transport of microbial indicators in the subsurface for water quality protection.
Specialty research on the fate and transport of microbial indicators in the subsurface for water quality protection.
Expert Review and Regulatory Input
My background in environmental consulting, alongside my current applied research, provides a solid base for expert review of hydrogeologic problems in both academia and industry. Certain aspects of my research have also been geared toward providing scientific input to regulatory policy.
My background in environmental consulting, alongside my current applied research, provides a solid base for expert review of hydrogeologic problems in both academia and industry. Certain aspects of my research have also been geared toward providing scientific input to regulatory policy.
Supervising degrees
Geoscience - Doctoral: Accepting Inquiries
Geoscience - Masters: Accepting Inquiries
Geoscience - Masters: Accepting Inquiries
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