Constance Finney, PhD
PhD in immune-parasitology University of Edinburgh, UK
Areas of Research
Most studies have used/are using simplified infection models, which underestimate the complexity of developing effective treatments and vaccines for use in the ‘real world’. In particular, I am studying the impact of multiple low dose chronic infections (e.g. gastro-intestinal worms) as well as the impact of co-infections. My overall research goal is to discover how the host immune system interacts with pathogens in these settings to improve/develop effective treatments/vaccines. My research aims are to determine: Aim 1: How underlying chronic infections change immune responses to new infections. Aim 2: How diagnosis/prevention/treatment of diseases is/are affected by these changes. Aim 3: How to improve diagnosis/prevention/treatment of diseases in ‘real-world’ contexts. I am currently directly involved in three projects to determine: Project 1: How underlying chronic intestinal worm infections affect immune responses to incoming parasites. Project 2: How early responses to Toxoplasma gondii impact chronic infection. Project 3: How multiple low dose gastro-intestinal worm infections differ from single high dose laboratory models.
Supervising degrees
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Working with this supervisor
We are always keen for new students in the lab. However, to get the best out of your graduate experience you will need: (1) a background in either immunology or parasitology. (2) previous research experience that extends beyond undergraduate practical labs (lab rotation, summer project etc). (3) patience and team spirit: our experiments are long and complex and require every lab member to work as part of a team, helping others with experiments. (4) a willingness to work with animals: we work closely with animals and most of our experiments are performed in vivo.
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