Colleen Kawalilak, PhD
PhD in Adult, Community and Higher Education University of Calgary, CANADAM Ed in Adult, Community and Higher Education University of Calgary, CANADA
BGS (General Studies)Athabasca University, CANADA
Areas of Research
Dr. Kawalilak, Associate Professor and Associate Dean International in the Werklund School of Education, teaches and supervises students whose areas of interest and research are located in adult education and adult learning in diverse formal and informal, work and learning contexts. She is interested in the power and potential of dialogue within safe, challenging, and inclusive spaces that support diversity, cross/intercultural competencies and humility, knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing, and transcending beyond cultural differences to a place of common ground. Dr. Kawalilak's current research focuses on lifelong learning in professional contexts, reflexive practice, work and learning within and across spaces of cultural difference, comparative education, relationship formation supported and informed by dialogue (trust, inclusion, compassion, care, and authentic relationship), and fostering a culture and practice of ethical internationalization in higher education.
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I am passionate about all ways that knowledge is acquired, constructed, and made meaning of throughout a lifespan, in adult work (paid and unpaid) and in formal and informal, culturally diverse, work and learning contexts. I believe that life experience is a rich reservoir for meaning making in support of knowledge acquisition and welcome opportunities to collaborate with and mentor graduate students who share this interest and passion. I am particularly interested in the critical importance of "relational dimensions, elements, and factors" in teaching and learning that inform and support safe, inclusive, and challenging learning spaces for adult learners and believe that these spaces are best co-created when educators and students recognize and embrace the "teacher" and "learner" that resides within each of us. I am also interested in inquiry that explores cultural differences and practices and transcending beyond differences in search of common ground as humankind. My teaching and research is informed by qualitative methodologies guided by interpretative methodologies (narrative, dialogue, and auto ethnography).
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