Amelia Kiddle, PhD
PhD Department of History University of ArizonaA.M.Social Sciences University of Chicago
Hons. B.A.Trinity College University of Toronto

Areas of Research
Latin America
Dr. Kiddle is Associate Professor of Latin American history at the University of Calgary. She specializes in the political and cultural history of Mexican foreign relations and received the inaugural Sir Izaak Walton Killam SSHRC Emerging Research Leader Award from the University of Calgary in 2014. She has published articles in the Journal of Latin American Studies, ISTOR. Revista de Historia Internacional, The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History, The Jahrbuch fur Geschichte Lateinamerikas - Anuario de Historia de America Latina, Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos, and The Latin Americanist. Her co-edited volume with María L.O. Muñoz, Populism in Twentieth Century Mexico: The Presidencies of Lázaro Cárdenas and Luis Echeverría was published by the University of Arizona Press in 2010. Her first monograph, Mexico's Relations with Latin America during the Cárdenas Era, which is based upon her University of Arizona doctoral dissertation (winner of the 2010 Premio Genaro Estrada from the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs) was published by the University of New Mexico Press in 2016. As an outgrowth of this project, she developed an interest in the Mexican oil expropriation of 1938's place in inter-American affairs. She and her colleague in Mexico, Cecilia Zuleta published an anthology of newspaper articles from Latin America reacting to the expropriation and they have begun work on a co-authored book tentatively titled The Mexican Oil Expropriation of 1938 and the Roots of Resource Nationalism in Latin America, a project which is supported by an Insight Grant from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Dr. Kiddle spent 2017-2018 working on this project as a fellow of the Calgary Institute for the Humanities. Her most recent edited volume, Energy in the Americas: Critical Reflections on Energy and History, which was the result of a SSHRC-supported conference of the same name held in 2014, was published in 2021 by the University of Calgary Press. As well as supervising undergraduate and graduate students in Latin American history at the University of Calgary, she welcomes Latin American students to work with her in Calgary through the Mitacs Globalink Research Internship Program and the Government of Canada's Emerging Research Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP)
Dr. Kiddle is Associate Professor of Latin American history at the University of Calgary. She specializes in the political and cultural history of Mexican foreign relations and received the inaugural Sir Izaak Walton Killam SSHRC Emerging Research Leader Award from the University of Calgary in 2014. She has published articles in the Journal of Latin American Studies, ISTOR. Revista de Historia Internacional, The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History, The Jahrbuch fur Geschichte Lateinamerikas - Anuario de Historia de America Latina, Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos, and The Latin Americanist. Her co-edited volume with María L.O. Muñoz, Populism in Twentieth Century Mexico: The Presidencies of Lázaro Cárdenas and Luis Echeverría was published by the University of Arizona Press in 2010. Her first monograph, Mexico's Relations with Latin America during the Cárdenas Era, which is based upon her University of Arizona doctoral dissertation (winner of the 2010 Premio Genaro Estrada from the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs) was published by the University of New Mexico Press in 2016. As an outgrowth of this project, she developed an interest in the Mexican oil expropriation of 1938's place in inter-American affairs. She and her colleague in Mexico, Cecilia Zuleta published an anthology of newspaper articles from Latin America reacting to the expropriation and they have begun work on a co-authored book tentatively titled The Mexican Oil Expropriation of 1938 and the Roots of Resource Nationalism in Latin America, a project which is supported by an Insight Grant from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Dr. Kiddle spent 2017-2018 working on this project as a fellow of the Calgary Institute for the Humanities. Her most recent edited volume, Energy in the Americas: Critical Reflections on Energy and History, which was the result of a SSHRC-supported conference of the same name held in 2014, was published in 2021 by the University of Calgary Press. As well as supervising undergraduate and graduate students in Latin American history at the University of Calgary, she welcomes Latin American students to work with her in Calgary through the Mitacs Globalink Research Internship Program and the Government of Canada's Emerging Research Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP)
Supervising degrees
History - Doctoral: Accepting Inquiries
History - Masters: Accepting Inquiries
History - Masters: Accepting Inquiries
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