Alicia Nahmad Vazquez, MArch, PhD

PhD Human-Robot Collaboration, Cardiff University, UK
Master in Architecture and Urbanism, AADRL, Architectural Association. London, UK
Bachelor in Architecture, Tec de Monterrey, Mexico

Dr Alicia Nahmad

Areas of Research

Computational Design
Alicia has co-supervised a number of theses and participated on these committees on the topics of computational design, digital fabrication and architectural geometry focused on using computational tools for sustainable, customized design solutions for contemporary living at both urban and housing scale.
Robotic Fabrication
My interests lie at the intersection between people and matter, participatory design frameworks and novel digital design processes and their geometric expressions as enabled by digital fabrication techniques. Robotic fabrication and digital fabrication tools have been at the core of my research for the last 10 years and their corresponding material and geometric implications.
Human-Robot Collaboration
My own PhD is on Huma-Robot collaboration in architectural design and my work has a strong focus on integrating digital design with traditional crafts and construction processes. I see robots as tools to democratise construction.
Machine Learning
My work focuses in integrating machine learning to mediate between robots and materials and between robots and humans. I see machine learning as an enabler of new pluralities and new intersubjectivities of human and machine.
Digital Design and Fabrication
The advent of digital computational tools and digital fabrication machines allow for new forms of self-expression and design possibilities that I have been exploring for the last 12 years.

Supervising degrees

Environmental Design - Doctoral: Seeking Students
Environmental Design - Masters: Seeking Students

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