Abraham O. Fapojuwo, PhD, PEng
PhD in Electrical Engineering Schulich School of Engineering University of Calgary, Canada
Areas of Research
Broadband capacity enhancement techniques: cell-less fog-enabled radio access networks, heterogeneous cloud radio access networks, cognitive radio networks; backhaul optimization; software defined networking; full-duplex techniques; massive and ultra-reliable D2D communications; distributed resource management; mobility management; spectral and energy efficiency; green communications and networking; coexistence of H2H and MTC traffic.
Medium access control protocols for long range wide area networks for smart city, smart homes, smart health care, and smart grid applications; coverage and capacity analysis and performance optimization; interference avoidance and mitigation.
QoE assurance techniques; mobility management; coverage and capacity analysis; Wi-Fi positioning/localization.
Communications protocols for autonomous vehicles; V2V and V2I communications.
RF-to-DC power conversion efficiency enhancement techniques; tradeoffs between harvested energy and achievable data rate; cross-layer protocol design for SWIPT; wireless powered body sensor networks.
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1) Academic Qualification: MSc with very high GPA; 2) Technical Skills: knowledge of wireless communications systems, strong background in mathematics and probability theory, knowledge of simulation techniques and tools with strong programming skills; 3) Soft Skills: out-of-the-box thinker, able to work independently as well as in a group, excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
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