Aaron Phillips, CEP, MSc, PhD
PhD (Medicine) University of British Columbia Experimental MedicineFellowship University of British Columbia International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (ICORD)

Areas of Research
My research combines integrated physiology and neuroscience in order to understand cardiovascular function. Currently, the laboratory has two primary foci: the first is to understand the mechanisms underlying neurovascular regulation in the human brain; the second is to develop a neurostimulation therapy for restoring cardiovascular health in those with autonomic dysfunction. We are well funded and equipped to answer important health questions for people with spinal cord injury, and translate them into therapies to help people live longer and better lives. Please see www.aaronphillipslab.com for more information.
I am currently collaborating with labs in Switzerland and Croatia as well as with clinicians in Minnesota to deeply understand the capacity of electrical stimulation of the spinal cord to control autonomic function. These studies are using murine models, as well as non-human primates and humans.
Clinical tools used in the lab include vascular and cardiac ultrasound, beat-by-beat blood pressure, MRI, orthostatic stress testing, arterial blood gas reactivity testing, both surgically implanted and non-invasive neurostimulation modalities, etc. Preclinical tools include CLARITY (tissue clearing method), arterial cannulation, spinal cord transection/contusion, and a variety of genetic strains for optogenetic manipulation (e.g., Th-Cre, PV-Cre). The lab is also employing a novel computational pipeline for managing large data-sets of physiological metrics.
Trainees at all stages will have the opportunity to be a primary author on published peer reviewed manuscripts, participate in national and international field-work, and gain experience in translational integrated physiology and neuroscience.
Supervising degrees
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Working with this supervisor
Positions are open for strong candidates with interest in preclinical neuroscience or physiology in the areas of cardiovascular and/or autonomic physiology, and/or biomedical engineering/computer scienceTrainees at the postdoctoral, graduate or undergraduate level interested in these areas of research are encouraged to send their CV, transcript, example of writing (term paper, first author paper, or thesis chapter) and a letter of interest to Lisa Mesluk at: lmesluk@ucalgary.ca
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