working with your supervisor

Working with your supervisor

Your supervisory relationship

The relationship with your supervisor should be collaborative and supportive of your academic and professional development. Meet with the supervisor and supervisory committee on a regular basis. These meetings can be instigated by you, your supervisor, and/or the committee. Report fully and regularly on progress and on results, and consider and respond to advice and criticisms received from your supervisor and other members of the supervisory committee.


Program requirements

Discuss with your supervisor the faculty and program requirements, including those related to deadlines, thesis or dissertation style, course requirements, and conflict of interest; 


Bring to the attention of your supervisor any matters of conflicting advice or expectations on the part of members of your supervisory committee and work together to resolve these issues; discuss with your supervisor the responsible use of resources, and discuss how to obtain additional resources for your research;

Handling conflict

maintain a professional and productive relationship with your supervisor, making every effort to resolve any conflicts quickly to the satisfaction of both parties, seeking outside help when needed. After best efforts to mediate any issues, talk to your graduate program director for additional assistance


work with your supervisor to meet agreed upon performance standards and deadlines of the funding organization when financing has been provided under a contract or grant;

Conflict of interst

Supervisor's responsibility

Given the power imbalance that exists within the academy, any romantic or sexual relationship (perceived consensual or otherwise) is highly discouraged and should be avoided. If such a relationship occurs, there is a strict obligation for the supervisor to disclose the relationship in writing to their Department Head or Dean and to withdraw completely from supervision and all other professional duties related to the student. 

Your options

As a student, if at any time, you feel vulnerable or you are concerned about being drawn into such a relationship, you should seek advice and support.

Contact the student support team