Swap a class
Use the swap function when you do not want to lose your current registration but would like to replace a class with another.
Students use this feature to put themselves on the wait list for a course that is not available. If a space becomes available, the system will enrol the student and drop the class they swapped it with.
Please keep in mind that the swap function cannot be used to be wait-listed for a course in which you are already registered (for example, same course, different lecture/labs).
Please use the most recent version of Internet Explorer as the default browser for accessing your Student Centre.
On your Student Centre homepage, select the term for which you would like to swap a course and click Swap in your Enrolled Courses.

You will be prompted to select the course you wish to remove and the course you wish to add. This can be done by performing a class search or inputting a class number if known. If there is a course in your shopping cart, you will be able to select it here.
Click Search to find the course if you do not have it in your shopping cart.

You will be directed to perform a course search. Enter at least two search criteria to find the course. Click Search once complete

Once you find your course, click Select on the right-hand side.

You will see specific information about the course. Once you are ready to swap the course, click Next.

Confirm your selection of the courses you are swapping and click Finish Swapping when ready.
Note: If the class you are dropping is full and there is a wait-list, you may not be able to re-register for the class once you drop it. If you decide to add the class after swapping it, you will be placed at the bottom of the waiting list. Please be sure that you want to drop the course before you proceed.

You will see a message stating if your action was successful or unsuccessful. If unsuccessful, follow the instructions in the error message.

Graduate students will sometimes require permission from their graduate program to enrol in specific courses. If you are unable to add a course, speak with your graduate program administrator first.
Graduate students are unable to enrol in courses outside of their departments without permission. You may need to complete and submit a Graduate Change of Course Registration form to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, but first check with your graduate program administrator. If you wish to audit a course, the Change of Course Registration form is also required.
You will not be able to register in classes if you have a hold on your account. A hold may be placed on your account for a variety of reasons, such as outstanding admission documents or past due fees. If you have any questions about this, speak to your graduate program administrator or to the Faculty of Graduate Studies’ front desk team.
Always make sure you are aware of the add/drop deadlines for the term. You can view these deadlines in the Graduate Calendar. If you want to add a course after the deadline, you will need to complete a Change of Course Registration form, and you will be charged a late registration fee. If you have any questions about the add/drop deadlines, speak to your Graduate Program Administrator or to the Faculty of Graduate Studies’ front desk team.
Extenuating Circumstances Withdrawal (EW)
If you are unable to complete a course due to unexpected, uncontrollable circumstances, you may be able to apply for an Extenuating Circumstances Withdrawal. EW Applications are reviewed by the Registrar’s Office. More information is available here.