Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic standing and demonstrated potential for advanced study and research. Normally, master's students in the first two years of program and doctoral students in the first four years of program are eligible to hold scholarships. If, in the opinion of the Graduate Scholarship Committee, a suitable candidate cannot be found, it reserves the right not to award any one or any number of scholarships in any year. Unless otherwise stated, awards are for one year only. The value and terms of the awards are subject to change without notice.

University Regulations

Regulations governing Awards and Financial Assistance for Graduate Students are posted in the Graduate Award Calendar

The purpose of this regulation is to provide for fair distribution of university-wide competitive academic awards among eligible graduate students, while maintaining graduate programs’ autonomy in the allocation of Program Recommended awards.

Please note: Maximum Award Values have been updated for the 2025 award year and are effective as of May 1, 2025.

Refer to the 2024 calendar for regulations governing the 2024 award year and prior. 

Students are expected to:

Apply for all awards from external funding agencies for which they are eligible, especially the awards available through the tri-agencies, which includes the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

Fair distribution

Maximum award amount

To provide for fair distribution of University of Calgary academic competitive awards, the maximum amount a student can hold in ‘other awards’ and/or ‘university-wide awards’, as defined below, at any given time is:

Awards offered prior to April 2025

  • Master’s: $20,500
  • Doctoral: $26,000

Effective May 2025 

  • Master’s: $32,000
  • Doctoral: $45,000

Students may hold one single award that exceeds the limit.

Program recommended award

Students holding the maximum amount or less may also receive one additional Program Recommended award, unless otherwise specified by the award terms of reference.

External award

Students holding a University of Calgary competitive academic award and who are subsequently awarded an external award must take up the external award at the earliest possible date and notify the Graduate Scholarship Office. Holding an external award does not necessarily prevent holding another award. In cases where the regulation is not clear, contact the Graduate Scholarship Office for advice.

Programs with a tuition higher than base rate

The stated maximums may be adjusted for programs with tuition that is higher than base rates. Please contact the Graduate Awards Office for guidance.

This regulation applies to all graduate students receiving awards from any source other than the following:

  • Awards that specify a top-up value when held with other funding
  • Funds awarded by graduate programs through their Graduate Support Allocation
  • Supervisor funding
  • Graduate Assistantships (Teaching and Non-Teaching)
  • International Graduate Tuition Awards
  • Indigenous government funding
  • Non-academic awards (e.g. Travel awards, Tri-agency supplements, Graduate Students' Association (GSA) awards)


Award refers to scholarships, awards, fellowships, internships, research and training grants.

Competitive awards are awarded for academic merit and research potential through peer reviewed competition.

Indigenous government funding refers to funding such as band funding and funding secured by Indigenous students from the political organizations encompassing Indigenous (First Nations, Metis or Inuit) peoples.

Other awards refers to external funding agency awards; major research and training grants; and department, program or institute level awards not administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Program Recommended awards are nominated by individual graduate programs and administered through the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

University-wide awards are administered through the Faculty of Graduate Studies

Maximum award limits

Awards offered prior to April 2025

Master’s $20,500: this cap is set as the Tri-Agency master’s scholarship value effective May 2024, $17,500, plus $3,000

Doctoral $26,000: this cap is set as Tri-Agency doctoral scholarship value as effective May 2024,, currently $20,000 plus $6,000


Effective May 2025 

Master’s $32,000: this cap is set as Tri-agency master’s scholarship value, currently $27,000, plus $5,000

Doctoral $45,000: this cap is set as Tri-agency doctoral scholarship value, currently $40,000 plus $5,000