2024 University of Calgary Three Minute Thesis Finalists
View the video presentations of the 2024 finalists
First place winner
Darsh Tripathi, Kinesiology
Supervisor: Dr. Walter Herzog
Does inherent aerobic capacity protect the knee joint from degeneration?
Second place winner and People's choice
Aliza Jaffer, Medical Sciences
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Lebel
Mom & me: Mental health in pregnancy and the baby brain
Third place winner
Jessica May Corpuz, Biomedical Engineering
Supervisor: Dr. Roman Krawetz
Proteoglycan 4: The bio-lubricant that's got your back
Third place winner
Moty Moravvej, Haskayne School of Business
Supervisor: Dr. Alfred Lehar
Are markets efficient without noise traders?
Heshini Dalpathadu, Medical Sciences
Supervisor: Dr. Steven Greenway
When kidneys attack! Identifying the cause of heart disease in children with kidney disease
HaoChen Sun, Biomedical Engineering
Supervisor: Dr. Roman Krawetz
Unlocking the power of hair follicle mesenchymal stem cells: A new era in osteoarthritis therapy
Gabrielle Lee, Physics and Astronomy
Supervisor: Dr. Kevin Alexander and Dr. Jean-David Jutras
Shedding light on radiation therapy: From fear to assurance
Victoria Tenor, Geography
Supervisor: Dr. Gwendolyn Blue
Flies of the future: Should the public have a say in new commercial animal biotechnologies?
Anuj Sethia, Physics and Astronomy
Supervisor: Dr. Daniel Oblak
Quantum key distribution
Patrick Whitman, Kinesiology
Supervisor: Dr. Leigh Gabel
The effect of a 9-month high-intensity strength and impact training program on muscle in peri- and early menopausal women