March 5, 2020
UCalgary seeks input on revised Sexual Violence Policy

In June 2017, UCalgary launched its Sexual Violence Policy — a result of over two years of in-depth consultation and development. The policy addresses all members of the university community — academic staff, employees, postdoctoral scholars, students, contractors and volunteers — with an aim to promote a learning, working and living environment that is free from sexual violence.
Since the policy was approved, two sexual violence support workers have joined UCalgary, and a great deal of meaningful progress has been made to help survivors and educate the campus community about consent, intervention, reporting and peer support.
Now, almost three years since its launch, UCalgary is asking the UCalgary community to share their feedback on a new draft of the policy. The online consultation process is taking place from March 2 through April 1 via online survey.
New additions to the policy
The proposed revisions to the policy incorporate learnings from operating under the policy so far, and from experience at other institutions, to improve UCalgary’s approach to responding to sexual violence. The revisions will also help ensure the policy is aligned with organizational restructuring in the equity, diversity, and inclusion space.
“As we look to the future, we want to facilitate healing and support for survivors while describing a clear and appropriate process for responding to disclosures and formal reports,” says Dr. Dru Marshall, provost and vice-president (academic).
Why we need your voice
Creating a community at UCalgary where sexual violence is never tolerated requires feedback from all members of the community, including students, faculty, staff, and postdoctoral scholars. Your anonymous and confidential feedback will have a genuine impact on how we move forward on campus.
“We are working towards a campus free of sexual violence, and want to help anyone who has been impacted, historically or currently, to thrive, not just survive,” says Carla Bertsch, sexual violence support advocate. “We want (and need) to hear from diverse voices in our campus community so we can do our best to serve the needs of everyone at UCalgary, with students as a major focal point.”
The online survey is open to all students, faculty and staff until April 1 at 4 p.m.
Please review the policy and take the survey
For more information about the sexual violence supports and resources on campus, including how to report an incident, please visit the Sexual Violence Support website.