Brendan Moran
Contact information
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Office: +1 (403) 220-5064
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Educational Background
Doctor of Philosophy York University,
M.A. York University,
B.A. Trent University,
Areas of Research
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
PHIL 309 | Hegel to Nietzsche | |
PHIL 412 | Contemporary Continental Philosophy | |
PHIL 315 | Philosophy in Literature | |
PHIL 412 | Contemporary Continental PHIL |
- “Literature as Miscreant Justice: Benjamin and Scholem debate Kafka’s Law” . Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. 34, No. 3. SPEP issue edited by Andrew Cutrofello and Gail Weiss. 390-406. (2020)
- “Kafkan Study” . Boundary 2. Special Issue on Walter Benjamin and Education, edited by Matthew Charles and Howard Eiland, Vol. 45, No. 2. 87-109. (2018)
- “Person of the World?” . In Detlef Thiel ed. “‘Tummle Dich, Mein Publikum!’ Friedlaender/ Mynona. Berichte und Forschungen aus 100 Jahren.” Special issue of Friedlaender/Mynona Studien: vol. 3 . 263-65. (2015)
- “Exception, Decision, and Philosophic Politics: Benjamin and the Extreme” . Philosophy and Social Criticism. 40:2 . 145-70. (2014)
- “Kafka’s Prophecy, with Benjamin and Agamben” . Philosophy Today. Vol. 36. SPEP Issue, edited by Cynthia Willett and Leonard Lawlor. 285-91. (2011)
- “Politics of Creative Indifference” . Philosophy Today. Vol. 55, No. 3 . 321-36. (2011)
- “An Inhumanly Wise Shame” . The European Legacy. Vol. 14, No.5 . 573-85. (2009)
- Walter Benjamin and Political Theology. Co-edited with Paula Schwebel. (London UK: Bloomsbury) . (2024)
- "Study, Sovereignty, and Justice. Benjamin, Scholem, and Agamben". Walter Benjamin and Political Theology. Eds. Brendan Moran and Paula Schwebel (London UK: Bloomsbury). 133-53. (2024)
- "Introduction" (with Paula Schwebel). Walter Benjamin and Political Theology. Eds. Brendan Moran and Paula Schwebel. (London UK: Bloomsbury). 1-24. (2024)
- "Decolonization as philosophical health". Philosophical Health: Thinking as a Way of Healing. Edited by Luis de Miranda. London UK: Bloomsbury.. 196-211. (2024)
- "Benjamin's Time of Healing: The Messianic as Remembrance, Happiness, and Justice". Herta Nagl-Docekal and Waldemar Zacharasiewicz eds. Religion in the Secular Age. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 89-107. (2023)
- Politics of Benjamin’s Kafka: Philosophy as Renegade. Palgrave Macmillan. 369 pages. (2018)
- Wild, Unforgettable Philosophy in Early Works of Walter Benjamin. Lexington Books. 436 pages. (2005)
- Towards the Critique of Violence: Walter Benjamin and Giorgio Agamben. Brendan Moran and Carlo Salzani eds.. Bloomsbury. 251 pages. (2015)
- Philosophy and Kafka. Brendan Moran and Carlo Salzani eds.. Lexington Books. 291 pages. (2013)
- “A Murmur of Indifference to Authorial Identity in Intellectual Life.” . In Cornelia Wächter and Robert Wirth eds. Complicity and the Politics of Representation. Rowman and Littlefield International. 139-57. (2019)
- “The ‘Forgotten’ as Epic Vorwelt.”. In Maria Margaroni, Apostolos Lampropoulos, and Christos Hadjichristos eds. Textual Layering: Contact, Historicity and Critique. (Selected Papers of the annual conference of the IAPL) Lexington Books. 81-93. (2017)
- “Philosophy and Ambiguity in Benjamin’s Kafka.” . In Kafka and the Universal, eds. Arthur Cools and Vivian Liska. Walter de Gruyter. 43-65. (2016)
- “Nature, Decision, and Muteness” . In Brendan Moran and Carlo Salzani eds. Towards the Critique of Violence: Walter Benjamin and Giorgio Agamben. Bloomsbury Press. 73-90. (2015)
- “Introduction” (with Carlo Salzani). Brendan Moran and Carlo Salzani. In Brendan Moran and Carlo Salzani eds., Towards the Critique of Violence: Walter Benjamin and Giorgio Agamben. Bloomsbury. 1-15. (2015)
- “An Inhumanly Wise Shame” . Philosophy as a Literary Art, ed. Costica Bradatan. Routledge . 63-75. (2014)
- “Anxiety and Attention” . In Brendan Moran and Carlo Salzani eds., Philosophy and Kafka. Lexington Books. 201-37. (2013)
- "Introduction" (with Carlo Salzani). In Brendan Moran and Carlo Salzani eds., Philosophy and Kafka. Lexington Books. 1-15. (2013)
- “'Weltperson' in Salomo Friedlaender’s Schöpferische Indifferenz” . In Jason Dockstadter, Hans-Georg Möller and Günter Wohlfart eds. Selfhood East and West. De-constructions of Identity (Reihe: Weltphilosophien im Gespräch. Band 8. [Series: World Philosophies in Conversation. Volume 8]). Verlag Traugott Bautz. 111-24. (2012)
- “Foolish Wisdom in Benjamin’s Kafka” . In Hans-Georg Möller and Günter Wohlfart eds. Lachen – Ost und West/ Laughter – Eastern and Western Philosophies. (In the series: Welten der Philosophie.) Verlag Karl Alber . 175-92. (2010)
- REVIEW of Léa Veinstein, Les philosophes lisent Kafka: Benjamin, Arendt, Anders, Adorno Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2019. Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy/ Revue de la philosophie française et de langue française (Vol. XXVIII, No. 2). 116-21. (2020)
- “Time, Guilt, and Philosophy.” REVIEW of Peter Fenves, The Messianic Reduction. Walter Benjamin and the Shape of Time (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011) . The European Legacy, vol. 18:2 . 221-25. (2013)
- REVIEW of Graeme Gilloch, Walter Benjamin – Critical Constellations. Cambridge: Polity, 2002. Philosophy in Review/ Comptes rendus philosophiques. Vol. XXIII, No. 1 . 31-33. (2003)
- TRANSLATION of Bettine Menke, “’Zur Kritik der Gewalt’: Techniken der Übereinkunft, Diplomatie, Lüge,” in Hendrik Blumentrath et al. (eds.), Techniken der Übereinkunft. Zur Medialität des Politischen, Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2009, pp. 37-56. Carlo Salzani and Brendan Moran. “‘Critique of Violence’: Techniques of Agreement, Diplomacy, Lying,” in Brendan Moran and Carlo Salzani (eds.), Towards the Critique of Violence: Walter Benjamin and Giorgio Agamben, 2015. 19-37. (2015)
- TRANSLATION of Antonia Birnbaum, “Variations du destin,” “Préface,” in Walter Benjamin, Critique de la violence et autres essais, trans. Nicole Casanova. Paris: Payot & Rivages, 2012, pp. 7-51. Carlo Salzani and Brendan Moran. “Variations of Destiny,” in Brendan Moran and Carlo Salzani (eds.), Towards the Critique of Violence: Walter Benjamin and Giorgio Agamben. 91-105. (2015)
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