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In the News: Global News

‘Without consequence’: Intelligence memos warn of runaway political violence online

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In the News: CBC

Will the online harms bill add enforcement, or just bureaucracy? PBO says Canadians will decide

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In the News: Vancouver Sun

B.C. government reaches deal with Meta to amplify wildfire evacuation orders

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In the News: Vancouver Sun

New law would allow B.C. to sue social-media companies, vape producers over 'health-related wrongs'

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In the News: CBC

The Liberals are set to unveil an online harms bill today. Here's what you need to know

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In the News: CBC

Experts urge federal government to pursue moderate, 'judicious' approach to harmful content online

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In the News: The Hill Times

Freedom of thought, belief, and opinion are Charter rights that deserve full legal protection

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Publication News | Technology-Facilitated Mind Hacking: Protection of Inner Freedoms in Canadian Law

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Canadian law regulating social media platforms is needed fast, Parliament told

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In the News: Toronto Star

It's time to table the Online Harms Bill

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